The Company I Keep

Yesterday I was working on painting details on several gourds while listening to Carl Sagen’s book, The Demon Haunted World. In it he dispels many myths carried through time some of which many believe today. Fascinating book and a fabulous way of doing two things at one time. I often don’t have time to read so this is a great outlet. Being read to, especially by someone with an accent, is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Some of you may choose music or just the purring of your cat. Some of you like to open your windows, listen to the sounds of the birds and the breezes. Some of you listen to New Age things keeping you centered and focused. In all cases I believe this is a great thing. For me, gourd art has a way of slowing the world down for a few moments, allowing the creativity to flow and for me to catch my breath. Art is like that, yeah it is! [Audible app,] It is not free, but for the convenience I have found it worth the money and at least at this time you get a free book a month.